Complete Inventory Managment

Not all inventory is the same, and we know businesses with complex inventory need an ERP system that can handle it. That is why ABS develops ERP software that can handle even the most complex inventory. Industries such as the building industry often handle complex inventory, and ABS has software specifically designed for the building industry. We also know that you need to track samples along with your inventory. That is not a problem, our sample tracking software will also alert you at the optimum time to help increase your sales.

Our inventory software doesn't just track your inventory, but can also order new inventory. Sure any system can do that, but ABS products maximize the efficiency of your orders so that you can save money on shipping. Our software will load trucks to maximize the amount of goods when you ship them to your customer, and can maximize the productivity of the workers in your warehouse.

Does your business have inventory that your current ERP software can't handle? Contact us and we will be glad to get you the inventory managemnt you need.